Dans une casserole, mélanger tous les ingrédients. Amener à ébullition en remuant de temps à autre, puis réduire le feu et mijoter à découvert 10 minutes. À l’aide d’un pied mélangeur, réduire pour obtenir une texture lisse. (On peut aussi faire la sauce au mélangeur sur socle.) Conserver dans un contenant hermétique au réfrigérateur jusqu’à 2 semaines.
Remove the silver skin from the ribs. Cut the ribs into sections of 4 to 5 ribs.
In a small mixing bowl, mix the spices. Rub the spice mix into all parts of the ribs. Pour half of the haskap barbecue sauce into a bowl and with a basting brush, baste the ribs. Place the seasoned ribs into a crock pot on edge with the bone facing the outside of the pot.
Place the top on the crock pot and cook on low for 8 hours. It is also possible to cook the ribs on high for 4 hours but note that the cooking will not be as even (pieces on the edge of the pot may cook faster than those on the inside).
Using tongs gently remove the ribs from the crock pot and place them on a baking sheet lined with oiled aluminum foil. The meat will be very tender and easily fall off the bones. Generously spread haskap barbecue sauce over the meat. Position the oven rack in the top third of the oven and broil the meat until the sauce caramelises, about 30 seconds to 1 minute. (Don’t position the rack too high as the sauce will burn before caramelizing. Serve and enjoy!