A berry both stunning… and powerful

Haskap, a berry that is
impressing everyone with its multiple advantages

Lonicera caerulea has long been referred to in Japan as “the fruit of longevity and good vision”, and with good reason!

The haskap berry is one of the richest berries in terms of antioxidants, contains vitamins A and C, as well as fibre. An article in the “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry” mentions that:

“The berry of the Lonicera caerulea appears to be a source of phytochemical composites with potential health benefits, in particular, phenolic compounds which present beneficial actions such as anti-adhesion, antioxidant and chemoprotection. Natural antioxidants, natural colour and functional Lonicera caerulea based ingredients show promise in becoming a useful addition in the fight against various chronic illnesses, including cancer, type 2 diabetes, tumour growth and cardiovascular disease.

The berries also contain significant amounts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other essential nutrients.

Haskap is rich in vitamins C and A, with a high level of fibre and potassium.

A berry very rich in antioxidants

Haskap berries have an extremely high level of antioxidants (ORAC) with significant quantities of anthocyanins, polyphenols and bioflavonoids:

  • ORAC – 13 400 mmol TE/100 g
  • Total phenolic compounds – 1014 mg/100 g
  • Total anthocyanins – 949 mg/100 g
  • Total bioflavonoids – 887 mg/100 g

Comparison of Different “Superfruits” and Their Antioxidant Levels

Source: www.haskap.ca
The haskap Learn more
Grow the haskap All the work behind this little fruit
Storage What you need to know